Because of a collaboration between the organization of the ‘Kunstnacht’ in ‘s Hertogenbosch and the newspaper ‘Brabants Dagblad’ in 2013, the latter tried to introduce a digital component besides their regular media expressions surrounding this event. The ‘Kunstroute’-mobile website was born!
The web-app was to function as a digital guide for visitors at the event. The total collection of artworks and expositions are ordered in three different areas, as this was also the case on the organization’s official map. Notable is the ‘Kunstroute’-button at the bottom of the starting page, where the user can find a special selection of works from the art-redaction of the newspaper. These works have been set out in a route, and special attention is given to these works before and during the events. When an item is chosen, the user can see more information and use the navigation-function to move to the actual place.
While working on this project, I was involved in coming up with the global idea of the web-app, together with the innovation- and the design-teams of the BD. After that, I was fully responsible for the design, coding and content of the app. The biggest challenge of this project was the short timeframe; the event took place 1.5 weeks after the first brainstorm. Sharp deadlines were a must.
The result was recieved with enthusiasm of both the newspaper’s redaction and the organization of the ‘Kunstnacht’. A two-paged infographic with the web-app as a focus point was featured in the paper 2 days before of the event. The general idea, design and code of the website was re-used, with the implementation of a time scheme, for a similar event: the ‘Cultuurnacht’ in Tilburg.